React's Virtual DOM: Turbocharging User Interfaces

React's Virtual DOM: Turbocharging User Interfaces

A deep dive into the workings of React's Virtual DOM and how React revolutionized UI rendering and updates by leveraging its power.


React has arguably become the most popular frontend library among developers all around the world. One of the key factors contributing to React's success is its innovative use of the Virtual DOM (Document Object Model).

The Virtual DOM is an ingenious concept introduced by React which serves as a lightweight copy of the actual browser DOM and allows rendering and updating the user interface much more efficiently and faster.

In this article, we take a detailed view of its workings and benefits.

What is DOM?

DOM stands for Document Object Model. It is a programming interface for HTML and XML documents. It provides us with a tree-like model where each element in the document, such as tags, text nodes, and attributes, is represented as an object in the tree.

DOM provides us with a set of standardized methods and properties by which we can dynamically access and update the content, structure, and style of a web page as well as respond to user events like clicks and inputs.

What is Virtual DOM?

Virtual DOM is a creative concept introduced by React. It is essentially a JavaScript object, which is an abstraction or a lightweight representation of the actual browser DOM. The Virtual DOM serves as an intermediary step or a transitional stage between the application's state and the actual rendering in the browser.

The state of our application refers to the data and variables that determine how our UI should look and behave. This state can change based on user interactions, network requests, or other events. React components are responsible for managing and updating this state, whereas the actual rendering of the UI happens in the browser's DOM.

We shall look at a detailed explanation of this later in the blog.

Difference between the Real DOM and the Virtual DOM:

Real DOMVirtual DOM
It updates slowly.It updates faster.
Can directly update the HTML of the webpage.Can’t directly update the HTML of the webpage.
Renders a new DOM if any element updates.Updates the JSX if any element updates.
Real DOM manipulation is costly.DOM manipulation is easier and cost-effective.

How does the Virtual DOM work?

Here's how the Virtual DOM works in React:

Initial Render:

When we write a React component, we define its structure and content using JSX (JavaScript XML). React uses this information to create a Virtual DOM representation of the component and its subcomponents.

Render to the Browser:

Once the Virtual DOM is constructed, React performs an initial render to the actual browser DOM, creating corresponding HTML elements and attaching them to the document. This step is typically called the “mounting” phase.

Updating the Virtual DOM:

When a state or props change in a React component, the entire component is re-rendered. React creates a new Virtual DOM representation of the updated component, comparing it with the previous Virtual DOM.


React efficiently calculates the difference, or “diff,” between the previous and updated Virtual DOM trees. It identifies the minimal set of changes needed to bring the actual DOM in sync with the updated Virtual DOM.


After the diffing process, React updates only the necessary parts of the real DOM to reflect the changes. This process is known as “reconciliation.”

Simplifying it all:

Let's break it all down into three simple steps:

  1. Whenever any underlying data or variable being utilized by any of the components changes, the entire UI is re-rendered in the Virtual DOM representation.

  2. Then the difference between the previous Virtual DOM representation and the updated one is calculated.

  3. After the calculations are done, React updates the Real DOM with only those things that changed in the new Virtual DOM representation.

Efficient Rendering through Batch Updates:

React employs various optimization techniques to ensure that the rendering process is as efficient and performant as possible. One such optimization technique is using batch updates, i.e., updating the DOM by batching multiple updates together. Instead of immediately applying each update to the DOM, React groups them and performs them in a single batch. This batching approach reduces the number of DOM operations needed and minimizes the performance impact associated with frequent updates.

Benefits of the Virtual DOM:

As we've discussed already, directly manipulating the real DOM can be slow and resource-intensive. The Virtual DOM helps mitigate this by allowing React to perform updates on its lightweight copy. Moreover, the Virtual DOM provides a convenient programming interface for developers to interact with and manipulate the UI. Instead of manually manipulating the real DOM, developers can work with the Virtual DOM representation, which is more intuitive and easier to reason about.


In conclusion, React's Virtual DOM has proven to be a game-changer in the world of front-end development, helping create lightning-fast user interfaces and revolutionizing the way we build web applications.

By leveraging the Virtual DOM, React introduces a powerful abstraction that optimizes performance and efficiency. Through its intelligent reconciliation algorithm, React identifies and updates only the necessary parts of the DOM, minimizing unnecessary rendering and enhancing overall responsiveness. This selective approach to updates significantly reduces the computational overhead and ensures that UI changes are seamlessly reflected to the user.

In a world where speed and performance are crucial, React is just doing it right with its Virtual DOM.

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